We manage applications for premiums and grants from companies and the self-employed.
Are you a self-employed person, entrepreneur, business creator or company director with at least 1 business location in the Brussels-Capital Region? The good news is that you may be eligible for grants and subsidies to help you develop your business. Call in your bounty hunter!
You wish to create a website? redesign an existing website? optimize your website? buy real estate ? office renovation? install an alarm? install a video surveillance system? buy a cargo bike? shopfitting? buy a garage? facilitate access to your premises? replace your commercial vehicle? install an electric terminal? training? be accompanied by a lawyer? developing an e-commerce site? evaluate or install ERP software? evaluate or install CRM software? recruit one or more employees? advice on your export sales? create an information pack for export? exhibit at a virtual trade fair? exhibit at a trade show? a prospecting trip? invite prospects? respond to a call for tenders outside the EU? rent a prospecting office?
Your needs and projects are eligible for grants
Subsidies, bonuses and financial aid are intended to encourage economic development and employment. This means that you can benefit from assistance that you may not even be aware of. Ask your bounty hunter.
The above intervention rates are examples that need to be customized to your activity and status. Example: If you are self-employed or a micro-business and would like to create a website or e-commerce platform, the basic intervention rate is 25%. If you are a starter (less than 4 years in business), the intervention rate is increased by 25% to 50%. If you are a "Exemplary" company (in social or environmental terms), the rate is further increased to a maximum of 70%. So in this example, on a total invoice of 10,000 euros excluding VAT, the refund amount will be 70%, i.e. 7,000 euros paid into your bank account.
There are dozens of subsidies
The main types of grants are themselves subdivided into several categories.
Export support”, for example, includes subsidies for prospecting trips, participation in trade fairs (physical or virtual), development of information material, invitations to prospective customers, etc.

Subsidies to help you get started or get off the ground
Your questions Our answers
The Brussels region encourages entrepreneurial initiative and supports economic activity through a wide range of business grants. There are more than 100 different premiums and subsidies to choose from. We take care of every stage of your subsidy request, from application to receipt of the amount in your account.
the State, and more specifically the Brussels region, encourages entrepreneurial initiative because it supports economic activity and therefore employment. The grant you receive is always intended to support the start-up of a new business or the development of an existing one.
This means that Subsidea will only be paid if your application is successful.
The amount of our contribution is a percentage of the grant amount (with a minimum of 450 euros. This minimum amount is only payable if your grant application is accepted by the administration).

Would you like to find out about possible subsidies?
- +32 2 372 1443
- +32 475 952 814
Your needs and projects are eligible for grants
Subsidies, bonuses and grants are intended to encourage economic development and employment. This means that you can benefit from assistance that you may not even be aware of.