Primes et subsides Council
- Independent
- Contractors
- Small Sme
- Companies
- Company founders
- Company managers
Your head office is located in Brussels or you have a place of business in the Brussels region.
You may be eligible for grants and subsidies to help you develop your business!

Consultancy grants
Consultancy :
Receive a bonus for a business, strategic or financial analysis;
For a communication strategy;
For a technical study;
For a legal study;
For changes to your company’s organizational processes …
Economic transition consultancy :
Receive a bonus for designing a diversity plan;
For an audit of your company’s energy performance;
To obtain tools for reporting on your company’s environmental or social impact …
Export strategy consulting :
Receive a bonus to help your company go international (export);
To obtain new markets to prospect (foreign markets);
To prospect international markets (outside Belgium);
To adapt products or product packaging to different foreign markets;
For the adaptation of your documentation in other languages (other than our 2 national languages)
To register or certify your trademark (or the trademark of one of your products) abroad …

Would you like to find out about possible subsidies?
- +32 2 372 1443
- +32 475 952 814