Digitalization & Web Grants

Chronology of a grant application

For each customer case, you’ll find the amount introduced, the eligible amount, the intervention rate and the amount of grant received.

Testimonials - Website grants & Digitization

CASE STUDY 1 - Creation of an E-Commerce site

Contractor profile

Status: Independent
Sector: Jewellery
In-store jewelry sales: rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.


Create an e-commerce site to get an online point of sale with secure payment.

Amount invested

10,000 euros excl. vat

Eligible amount

10,000 euros excl. vat

Intervention rate


Premium amount

5,000 euros

Case study 2: Website redesign

Contractor profile

Status: Freelance
Sector : Horeca – Restaurants
Traditional cuisine restaurant


Get a complete visual overhaul of your existing website to showcase your restaurant.

Amount invested

6,900 euros excl. vat

Eligible amount

6,900 euros excl. vat

Intervention rate


Premium amount

4,140 euros

Case study 3: Search Engine Optimization (Seo)

Contractor profile

Status : Srl company
Sector:  Arts & Culture.
A museum that also organizes exhibitions.


Obtain a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy on the “Google” search engine to gain visibility and boost sales of your online ticketing service.

Amount invested

9,500 euros excl. vat

Eligible amount

9,500 euros excl. vat

Intervention rate


Premium amount

4,750 euros

Subsidea manages all the steps involved in obtaining your Digital & Web grants

Key points for each mission

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no cure no pay subventions

No cure, no pay

Can't we get you a grant decision? then you don't have to pay us anything

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